The development of mobile technology is growing rapidly, and it’s important for companies to have knowledge of the new trends to be more competitive in the market and reach a larger audience. According to Statista, it is estimated that for this year 2022, 59% of all advertising spending worldwide will come from mobile devices. That’s why in this article, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about mobile marketing strategies.
Relevant Data
- Latin America is one of the regions that has grown the most in consumption of mobile applications.
- Advertisers in Latin America invest large amounts of money for mobile advertising.
- Consumer spending last year alone on mobile apps was $2.9 billion with 26% growth every year.
- Games represent 50% of spending on apps by people in Latin America, which makes this sector very attractive for companies when investing in advertising.
Mobile Marketing Trends 2022 Mobile Purchases
For several years, mobile purchases have been common. This is a benefit because companies can carry out more responsive advertising (suitable for any device) and manage to be present in users’ purchase decision-making process.
It’s important to highlight that there are now e-commerce options within social networks, where users can make a purchase of the product or service they like simply by clicking on an image or video. This is a positive experience for users because they won’t have to leave the app, and for brands because they can sell products on social networks that had 4.55 billion users last year.
App Store Optimization
If your business has an application, it’s necessary to optimize it within the app store so that you can differentiate yourself from your competitors. This tool allows your application to be easy to find in various app stores.
Mobile Streaming
More and more people are using their mobile phones to watch various streaming services like Disney Plus, Netflix, Amazon Prime, and HBO. Despite being able to watch content on television, most people prefer to do so from their mobile devices. This is a benefit for companies because it turns this sector into a good niche for advertising.
Personalized Content
People highly value the experience that the brand provides them, and to better connect with your target audience, you have to know them and show them the most targeted advertising. It’s also important to strike a balance in the amount of advertising we put out; depending on our audience, being invasive is not always good.
Video Will Be the Protagonist
According to the latest study by Statista, 79% of users claim to have made a purchase decision after watching a video on mobile. This is because a video demonstrates the benefits of the product or service in a more didactic and emotional way. For example, TikTok and YouTube are platforms with millions of users worldwide, where video is king because it generates greater engagement.
The Internet of Behaviors
This tool involves collecting and analyzing information about people’s behavior to develop new business opportunities. The data provided by users through the use of mobile phones can improve user experience strategies and offer advertising that adds value to the customer.
Account-Based Marketing Campaigns
Account-based marketing is a technique in marketing that will stand out in 2022 because companies will be able to launch real-time ads based on IP identification. In this way, campaigns, although they will have a reduced reach, will be more accurate and efficient.