Why does my company need a Facebook fan page?
Facebook is the social network with the highest number of users, and although that might sound like one of the reasons why all companies should have a fan page, it’s not.
There are countless platforms, just like Facebook, designed to connect users with potential customers. But it’s important to identify which social network your target audience is on and what type of content should be presented to them to make the brand relevant to them. That said, a Facebook fan page offers certain functionalities that benefit companies in their communications and digital strategy, even if Facebook isn’t the social network where you primarily post.
What is a Facebook fan page?
Its translation into Spanish is “página de fans” or “fanáticos,” and although you need a personal Facebook page to create and manage it, its functionality is much more extensive than what a personal profile allows. There are no friend requests on fan pages, but there are followers who decide to “follow” or “like” a page because they find something that interests them there. Inside fan pages, you’ll find statistics and publishing tools that make the task of being consistent much easier.
What’s better for my company? Fan page or personal profile?
Fan page, of course!
Personal profiles require accepting or rejecting friend requests and have a friend limit, precisely 5,000, while the fan page has no limits, allowing you to connect with millions of people if you wish. Additionally, Facebook doesn’t allow businesses to appear as personal profiles, so you risk having your account closed.
10 benefits of having a Facebook Fan Page:
- Instagram belongs to Facebook Inc, so the platforms are now integrated and allow for automatic cross-posting or scheduling posts for Instagram from Facebook Creator Studio.
- Facebook offers the Pixel, a unique tracking code programmed within websites that obtains important data about visitor behavior on your website or others, allowing for retargeting or remarketing campaigns.
- Facebook’s ads manager, connected with Instagram, allows you to segment your audience by age, interests, geolocation, behaviors on different networks, among others. This allows you to optimize your advertising investment, ensuring that exactly who you want sees the ads.
- Facebook is an excellent platform that contains content read by search engines, increasing your chances of being found on Google with keyword searches, which leads to the next point…
- Improves your website’s SEO. Posts shared on Facebook can contain links, buttons, and ads with a call to action that increases visits to your website.
- Facebook integrates with WhatsApp! In addition to being able to create ads that lead your followers to start a chat conversation, Facebook fan pages can have a button on the main page with this action.
- Instagram Shopping: If you have an e-commerce store, you may have seen the new Instagram shopping feature, which makes it easier to shop from your online store on this platform. To activate this feature, your company needs a Facebook fan page and to import the catalog from the website here.
- Builds trust. Facebook fan pages have an option to have ratings and comments from previous users, rating the service or product with 1 to 5 stars.
- Can be managed at different levels by different people without them having access to your profile and personal information. The levels are administrator, editor, moderator, advertiser, and analyst.
- You’ll get to know your audience. Within the information provided by Facebook is identifying who follows the fan page and what actions they took within a specified time frame, such as how many people visited the profile, what actions they took like visiting the website, how many likes or times posts were shared. This becomes very important information for creating digital strategies that convert.
Some interesting Facebook facts
Do you want to connect with more customers?
Do you want to increase online sales for your business?
Do you want a coherent image for your business on social media?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then…
[LET’S TALK] Our team is ready to find STRENGTH IN EVERY BRAND, so we want to accompany you in achieving measurable objectives, communicating your brand’s offer correctly, and giving you optimal positioning in the digital universe so you can reach more users.